Friday, March 27, 2015

The Bill of Rights

 Privacy is affected in many ways.  The Bill of Rights subjects to the privacy of not only conducting your own religion and assembly at your own place without being detained but also after you are being detained to testify for a crime that you haven't seen or have no more details to add.  Also, the freedom of having your own thoughts or ideas as long they do not affect a third party (freedom of speech), the right of bear arms (as long as you have a valid gun license) and the freedom of deciding whether a militia, navy or army man should stay at your house while the nation is “under peace.”  Certain rights impose the fact that we are still free but some of them, such as the freedom of speech are a double edged sword.  If one speaks badly about certain things just because it is his thought, and someone sensitive just feels annoyed or hurt, you could be in trouble.

The same goes for the government.  If the government thinks you have hurt them, your freedom of speech is no longer free, and you will be punished for it.  It depends a lot how people, entities, and governments take your argument.  Of course, this is more prevalent when there is an abusive system.  People, then rather not even express their opinions and there is where freedom of speech lacks.

Since after 9/11, not only we can see a proliferation of abuses not only to the Bill of Rights but also seen on top-secret papers exposed by whistle-blowers such as Chelsea (former Bradley) Manning and Edward Snowden as well as by journalists such as Glenn Greenwald and Julian Assange dismantling horrific projects and operations from the NSA as well as from the Five Eyes (intelligence alliance compromising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and the United States).  Little by little our freedoms are diminishing for the name of “National Security” with freedom interfering Acts as the Patriot Act (especially Section 215), Net Neutrality, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and other mass-surveillance programs.  People need to wake up before it is too late, because we are now facing the end of “our own control” times.
We are rapidly and nefariously losing our freedoms for the name of “security” selling us a plethora of dystopia realities fabricated by false-flag operations such as the endless wars we are facing now as well as producing horror propaganda orchestrated by a shadow unified government with terrorists groups using their best weapon:  media disinformation.  We need to act and we need to act now because as Benjamin Franklin once said:  “Those who give up their liberty for more security deserve neither.”

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